General Questions
What is MAGU?
MAGU is a premium herbal supplement (first of its kind) made with patented technology and organic ingredients that helps people alleviate their pain – physically, emotionally, and mentally.
After losing 3 of closest friends to anti-depressants and benzodiazepines, we created MAGU to be a natural alternative to dangerous prescription medications.
What are the ingredients in MAGU?
We only have 1 ingredient, with a 5000 year old history as a medicinal herb – organic hemp.
Fun Fact: MAGU is not a CBD company. We are the first and only company to deliver the medicinal benefits of hemp through the herb itself.
How do you have 2 recipes with 1 ingredient?
Hemp is one of the few rare herbs that have separate male and female plants with their own unique DNAs (just like humans).
This means that each family of hemp have their unique set of benefits, and families can be crossbred to form new families.
By mixing and matching different families at various ratios, we are able to create a recipe tailored to a specific need.
However, since we do keep everything natural, both recipes will have overlapping benefits.
Each one, just has its strengths.
Where is MAGU made?
MAGU is made in the USA.
Our ingredients are grown on a small organic farm in Oregon.
The finished product is produced in California.
How much should I take?
We recommend taking 1 scoop every morning. If you have a sensitive stomach, please take MAGU with a meal.
1 scoop ≈ .25g of MAGU
With over 8+ billion in the world and every body being unique, there is no such things as a “one size fit all” solution.
Things like weight, age, diet, exercise level, genetics, severity of symptoms, etc. can all play a factor to your body’s natural tolerance to supplements.
You are welcome to adjust the size of the scoop to control the strength. You can even take multiple scoops at once.
How long will it take to feel the "magic"?
Most people will start noticing the positive benefits within 1 week.*
Since everyone’s body is unique, some may even feel it on the first scoop, others may take a bit longer.
To speed up this process, we recommend taking HEAPING SCOOPS (50% more than leveled) during the loading phase.
Once you feel the “magic” you may reduce the size of the scoop to maintain the effects.
*Skipping days will push things back
How can I make the benefits stronger?
3 tips to increase the strength:
- Increase the size of your scoops
- Take MAGU directly on the tongue followed by a drink*
- Take MAGU within 10-15 minutes of waking up
* If you swish around your drink before swallowing, the taste will go away in seconds
Do I need to take MAGU forever?
No you do not. We created MAGU to help alleviate the darker days to make them easier to go through.
Imagine taking cough drops to alleviate symptoms of a cold. Once you start feeling better, you can stop taking them.
Same thing with MAGU. Once you start feeling better, you can reduce the size of your scoops, skip days, or put us aside until things get bad again.
However, if your symptoms are more severe, and you have a difficult time making life changes…
There won’t be any long term side effects to taking MAGU continuously.
Can I switch between recipes?
Yes you can! You can even take both at the same time.
Fun Fact: Our Founder, James, likes to take Mind Hack in the morning and White Sunrise in the evening!
Can I take MAGU with other medications and supplements?
Like most herbs, hemp is extremely well tolerated by a majority of individuals.
MAGU is absorbed by the same enzymes as ginseng, green tea, and grapefruit (CYP3A4). If you have any medications that have a “DO NOT EAT GRAPEFRUIT” sticker, this medication is also absorbed by the same enzyme.
This doesn’t mean that there will be a negative interaction, but if taken together, they will compete to be absorbed by the body – leading to a possible slight reduction in potency.
With MAGU’s extremely small scoop size (less than 1/8 of a teaspoon), it’s highly likely that MAGU will be overpowered by that medication.
To overcome this, we recommend spacing things out.
Example: Take MAGU first thing in the morning, and your medication before leaving for work (or later in the day).
Any side effects? Withdrawals?
Since hemp is extremely well tolerated by a majority of individuals, there won’t be any severe negative side effects nor any withdrawals/addicting properties.
To be transparent, we have gotten reports of a few minor side effects (from a small fraction of our users):
- Increased bowel movement (not to the point of diarrhea) – this is expected since hemp has properties that help with the gut.
- Slight dehydration – this is due to the body undergoing healing when the ECS receptors get activated (just like how you need more fluids when recovering from a flu). Our bodies can be very dehydrated right after waking up, so we recommend drinking plenty of fluids before you take your scoop of MAGU!
- Feeling “too calm” or a bit tired – when the ECS receptors get activated, the built up exhaustion (both physical and emotional) begin to come out. To few individuals, this can feel a bit “tiring” since your body is telling you it needs to rest. This effect typically goes away after your body has recovered enough (and some nights of “amazing sleep”), but you may reduce the scoop size or take MAGU as an evening supplement (during this loading phase) to make the process more gradual.
Can I mix MAGU into my tea or coffee?
Exposure to heat will drastically reduce the potency of MAGU, so this is not recommended.
We recommend mixing MAGU into cold drinks or foods (like a smoothies, protein shakes, or ice cream) to preserve the strength.
However, the best way to maximize the benefits would be to put your scoop directly on your tongue. Watch a quick 3-minute video from our CEO here (
Is MAGU vegan?
Yes we are! 100% Vegan.
No synthetics. No additives. No gluten. No chemicals. 100% Plant. Made from organic herbs.
Why does MAGU smell?
The smell comes from the flavonoids and terpenes of the herb. These are 2 crucial components to bring out the medicinal properties of MAGU.
Although it may be similar to that of marijuana, we are NOT the same.
Think of how there are mushrooms that are beneficial to the body (lion’s mane, resihi, chaga, etc.) and also mushrooms that produce psychoactive effects (and get you “high”).
They both smell and taste very similar, but yet are tremendously different.
Will I get "high" from MAGU?
No you will not.
With our extremely small scoop size and THC levels near 0%, it will be physically impossible to get “high” from MAGU.
Will MAGU show up on a drug test?
MAGU is in compliance with federal guidelines so our THC levels are near 0%.
The likelihood of MAGU appearing on a drug test is extremely unlikely due to our very low THC content and small serving sizes (less than 1/16 of a teaspoon).
However, it’s important to note that it’s not entirely impossible. If you consume multiple jars at once and weigh under 50lbs, theoretically, there is a chance of it showing on tests, but it is still highly unlikely.
Our users who took 4 scoops a day for a month all came back negative on THC drug tests.
Science Questions
Why do we use hemp?
Hemp is one of the few plants that have over 500 1 different medicinal compounds, including: phytocannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, polyphenols, chlorophyll, and various phytochemicals.
After experimenting with thousands of different herbs and supplements, hemp was the only ingredient where we were able to actually feel a positive difference.
Hemp also is one of the few plant species that have separate male and female plants. This allows each family to have unique DNA (like humans) with their own unique set of medicinal benefits.
Because of its diversity of components and families, this means that hemp may be the only plant that can help with a wide range of ailments as a stand-alone herb.
- Jin et al. Sci Rep. 2020
What are phytocannabinoids (ECS)?
Every living thing (including humans) create endocannabinoids that help our body recover back to homeostasis or “feeling normal” again.
Phytocannabinoids are the same chemical components but naturally found in plants.
The phytocannabinoids 1 in MAGU help naturally boost our ECS so we that we can recover quickly again.
Do you remember the younger days, when whatever stressful happened in the day, we’ll forget everything by dinner if we were given a sweet dessert? Or after an injury, we’ll be right back on our feet within the week?
As we grow older, our body takes longer to heal and our negative emotions seem to linger. This is because (like everything else in our body) our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) slows down with age.
- mood regulation and stability
- pain perception
- learning and memory
- body temperature
- sleep
- reproduction and fertility
- immunity
- cardiovascular, nervous, and immune system
Did you notice that as time passes, your body tries to naturally heal from any abnormalities (both physical and emotional)?
Think of how after an anxious event, once a day has passed you feel a bit better. And as more time passes, the negative emotions subside even further until it fades away and you feel “normal” again.
That’s your ECS doing its thing – we help speed this up by shortening the recovery time from weeks/months to minutes/seconds.
What are Terpenes?
Terpenes are naturally occurring compounds found in all plants, and are especially abundant in MAGU.
They are responsible for keeping the plant healthy, but also determine how they taste and smell.
The amazing thing about terpenes is that some of them have medicinal properties – this is why many of today’s medications originated from plants and why plant medicine has existed for thousands of years.
Fun Fact: Aspirin has its origins from the bark of a willow tree.
So far, tens of thousands of terpenes have been identified, and more are being discovered each day.
Over 22+ medicinal terpenes can be found in MAGU’s Mind Hack including:
- Beta-caryophyllene – also found in cloves, rosemary, and hops. Beneficial for managing symptoms of anxiety and depression.1
- Guaiol – also found in cypress pine. Helps reduce pain, promotes euphoric moods1,8, and boosts creativity.
- Limonene – also found in citrus fruits. Has anti-stress, anti-depressant, and mood-improving benefits.1,5
- Linalool – also found in lavender, rose, basil, and neroli oil. Improves cognitive behaviors, increases neurogenesis4, promotes relaxation, and has anti-depressant properties.1-3
- Valencene – also found in Valencia oranges and other citrus fruits. Promotes alertness, elevates mood8, and has anti-inflammatory6-7 properties.
Pairing phytocannabinoids with terpenes and all of the smaller parts of hemp (chlorophyll, flavonoids, etc.) significantly boosts the medicinal effects1 – this is why MAGU works so well especially for those with more stubborn, severe symptoms.
Is MAGU a CBD product?
No it is not!
Hemp has over 500 different medicinal components, and CBD is only a small part of hemp just like how potassium is only one part of an avocado.
An avocado also has healthy fats, phytochemicals, antioxidants, nutrients, and so much more that come together to make the fruit so beneficial.
Since hemp has so much science behind it and a 5000 year old history as a medicinal herb, many greedy companies have created synthetic “CBD products” to unsuccessfully mimic the benefits of hemp – which is why many “CBD products” don’t work.
MAGU is the first and only company to deliver the medicinal benefits of hemp naturally through the herb itself.
What's the difference between MAGU and "Full Spectrum"?
Full Spectrum CBD is made by using chemical extractions in attempt to maintain as much as possible of the herb (and putting them into synthetic solvents).
With today’s technology, it does a decent job maintaining the phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, but still loses a lot of the other smaller components.
This is why many Full Spectrum products are filled with additives and synthetics in their best attempt to mimic the benefits of hemp.
But as you know, this doesn’t work out well, which is why CBD products (including full spectrum) have such a bad reputation.
If you had to choose between:
- an orange
- a lab made jelly filled with citrus, Vitamin-C, and minerals to mimic an orange…
Which one would you put into your body?
What are the differences between the 2 recipes?
Since hemp has tens of thousands of different families, by pairing different ones together at different ratios, we can create recipes tailored to specific problems.
Our Mind Hack is has a focus on calming the mind.
- Physical Boost: ⭐⭐
- Emotional Boost: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Mental Boost: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Preferred by customers struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, and overthinking.
Our White Sunrise is a focus on calming the physical body.
- Physical Boost: ⭐⭐⭐
- Emotional Boost: ⭐⭐
- Mental Boost: ⭐
- Preferred by customers struggling with pain, inflammation, sleep, and gut health.
Physical: Sleep, Pain, Inflammation, Gut Health
Emotional: Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Mood
Mental: Focus, Brain Fog, Neuroprotective
However, since we keep everything natural, both recipes will have overlapping benefits.
Each recipe just has its strengths!
What terpenes are in Mind Hack?
Emotional Boost Terpenes: Terpinene, Linalool, Trans-Nerolidol, A-Bisabolol, A-Cedrene, Borneol, Ocimene, G-Terpinene
Mental (Cognitive) Boost Terpenes: Valencene, Pinene, Limonene, Caryophyllene, Terpinolene, A-Humulene
Other Terpenes: Cis-Nerolidol, Caryophyllene-Oxide, Fenchyl Alcohol, Terpineol, Guaiol, Cedrol, D-Carene
What terpenes are in White Sunrise?
Physical Boost Terpenes: β-Caryophyllene, Guaiol, α-Bisabolol, α-Humulene, β-myrcene, Terpinolene, Trans-Nerolidol, α-Pinene, Caryophyllene Oxide, Ocimene, Fenchol, β-pinene, γ-Terpinene, α-Terpinene
Other Terpenes: Limonene, Linalool, Borneol
Why is MAGU different? Why does it work so well?
Like most herbs, hemp needs to be grinded down and cooked to bring out the medicinal properties of the plant.
However, one major difference is that the “cooking process” for hemp is extremely complicated, requiring numerous heat points with varying times, and also an intricate “prepping” and “cooling” process.
This is why many companies have decided to go the “easy route” to create synthetic CBD products to mimic the benefits of the herb (and why these don’t usually work).
After tens of thousands of hours in research and development, MAGU is the first and only company to deliver the medicinal benefits of hemp through the herb itself.
This is why MAGU works so well, and 98.8% of our customers feel better in under 2 weeks.
Why can't I just eat a hemp plant?
Although hemp has a lot of beneficial parts, our bodies cannot use these components without them being cooked or “activated.” Before MAGU, the only way to “activate” the plant, was through synthetic extraction methods or by smoking it.
However, both of these outdated methods have their flaws:
- Extraction – Process is extremely manufactured, and requires a lot of synthetic additives and chemicals.
- Smoking – bad for the lungs, and burns off a lot of the beneficial terpenes.
MAGU’s proprietary process involving patented technology, brings out the full medicinal benefits of hemp in a natural way – using only heat and time.
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(We are a small team. We thank you for your patience!)